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Can I submit a notification about a challenge anonymously without registering the establishment's membership data?

Yes, you can, however we prefer that you register contact info and the establishment membership data, so that we can communicate with you for further details about the challenge and to brief you on the latest developments in the workflow to overcome the challenge

Can I submit a notification even though I am not registered with any chamber in the UAE?

Yes, you can submit a notification about any challenges facing you while establishing your business, because our role basically aims to create an attractive business environment for all

What happens after the submission process? Are all challenges will be addressed?

The UAE chamber team collects, diagnoses, analyzes and studies all challenges and verify its credibility. Then, the challenges are arranged according to a system of priorities that is based on the scalability and severity of the impact on business owners, After that, appropriate solutions and proposals are developed and forwarded to the concerned government departments to revise laws, economic policies, services procedures and regulations

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